Page name: HeraldContestArena - A Heralder Wedding [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-05 18:58:21
Last author: Mirime
Owner: Kaimee
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The Herald Contest Arena

Run by [pixish] and [Kaimee] for The Town Herald


See also Town Herald Contests
and art contests

THEME: Wedding Photo - [All_Most PUNK] & [Mirime]

Dear Elftown!
The Town Herald is holding a very special, once in a lifetime competition for this issue's Herald Contest Arena!
We are planning on doing a special feature this issue and would like some lovely art to go with it!
We won't tell you too much, (it would spoil the surprise) - but we are calling all artists to have a go and see what you come up with!
We need a wedding 'photo' or 'picture' of two of our heralders [Mirime] and [All_Most PUNK]. Photo manipulations are allowed and for the more traditional artists, photo referneces will be supplied!
We want you to be creative and most importantly - have fun!
The winner will be chosen by the married couple and will be featured in the article in the upcoming issue of the Town Herald and all the other entries will be shown in the Arena section as usual.

If you win your art will appear as the winner of this contest in the features section as well as with a Herald article on this subject, your name will be mentioned in the herald, you'll appear in The Town Herald Hall of Fame and recieve a special ribbon badge for you to place in your description!
All participants will recieve participant buttons, and all entries will be shown on a contest page in the Herald.


15th September 2005


1. All work must be your own, anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the contest. This means no copied, traced or stolen art folks.
2. All images must follow the theme provided for that contest.
3. We reserve the right not to publish any explicit or offensive material.
4. You may enter art that has been 'seen before', art does not need to have specifically created for this contest, but it does need to follow the theme provided.
5. The judges decision is final, there will be no arguements.
6. 2 entries per person.


Judging will be made by [All_Most PUNK] and [Mirime]; their decision is final.
Entries will be judged on the appropriateness for the theme, their quality, their imagination, and how much these two lovebirds like them ;)


The winning artist will also have a short interview with one of the Heralders to appear in the Herald, you will be contacted, but you need to be available on Elftown immediately after the deadline.



A Heralder Wedding - Photo References


In rough form, how it happened and what happened the next morning: TH Wedding Text

Entries below, separated by a <hr> line, numbered and with your name

Entry 1: [ally]

don't know if this one really belongs here ...

2. [the Indigo] Mazeltov! (I think I just butchered the spelling of that...) I wish I had a dress like [Mirime]'s XD

Entry 3: [Ciryatúre] Took a bit of artistic license with this...

4. [Levoton] <.<

Entry 5: [Ocean Soul] "Right out of the chruch"

Entry 6: [liiga] Blue dresses are pwetty. :3


Username (or number or email):


2005-07-18 [the Indigo]: ooh! Sounds like fun :D

2005-07-18 [pixish]: yes! ^__^ It will be :P So make sure you have a go ^__^

2005-07-18 [liiga]: I agree about it sounding like fun. ^^ Hope I can manage to get something done on time for this! :D *fingers crossed*

2005-07-18 [pixish]: me too ^__^ *cant wait to see some entries*

2005-07-20 [the Indigo]: Weddings are so much fun. You get to get all dressed up and eat good food :D

2005-07-20 [Mirime]: Oh yes-- maybe you should make the entries anonymous so when Punk and I see them we aren't biased. So we can announce it now?!?

2005-07-20 [Kaimee]: I wouldnt make them anonymous, too hard to manage the winners and ppl can see the page editing anyway :P Yah, go ahead and announce, pix posted it on the arena page. Force your friends into competing :P

2005-07-20 [Mirime]: well ok (:

2005-07-21 [Ciryatúre]: lol, this is great

2005-07-22 [pixish]: have you started an entry? ^__^

2005-07-22 [Mirime]: I hope she has time!!!

2005-07-22 [pixish]: me tooo ^__^ - I hope people are not forgetting that photomanipulation is allowed!

2005-07-22 [Mirime]: yeah, someone should see if [Aristotle] wants to brush off his skills :P

2005-07-22 [pixish]: poke them! :P

2005-07-22 [Ciryatúre]: Could we possibly get a portrait-type pic o' Punk?

2005-07-22 [pixish]: Umm...there is a face picture in his house? It is upside down...but is that one any good? Otherwise...[Mirime] might have one tucked away :P

2005-07-23 [ally]: prelude to ducky has some more pictures (greatness I knew that link by heart :( *needs help*)

2005-07-23 [Mirime]: me? Hehe, I think the Spongebob one is pretty good and I like this one too even though it's older:

2005-07-24 [Ciryatúre]: thanks!

2005-07-25 [Mirime]: 'welcome *grins*

2005-07-27 [ally]: *wonders how to enter...*

2005-07-27 [pixish]: I started it for you :P

2005-07-27 [ally]: thank you ^^

2005-07-27 [iippo]: *comes here after all* By the by ally, what if -deadline is 15th of August, not the end of july. You'll have time to enter that also.

2005-07-27 [ally]: I love my entry here: it's so ...invisible :p. Oh that's greatness, I shall put it on top of my list ^^

2005-07-27 [pixish]: :P Are you going to puit up? Or would you like me to? :P

2005-07-27 [ally]: Well, I'd do it myself ofcourse..if I could ...but it seems there's no edit-button here O.o

2005-07-27 [pixish]: >_> ... excuse me one moment... :P

2005-07-27 [ally]: :p okeys

2005-07-27 [pixish]: yay! ^__^ It should be ok now :P Thanks to [Ittai] xD

2005-07-27 [Mirime]: I don't see it :O

2005-07-27 [pixish]: she hasn't uploaded it yet ;-) It can be found at allyart3 I think :P

2005-07-27 [Charybdis]: *goes to look* Aaaah! That is such a wonderful entry ^_^

2005-07-27 [Mirime]: I see... yay! I like it :D that would be the part after I had to remind him to kiss me ;)

2005-07-27 [pixish]: **^____^** so adorable :P

2005-07-27 [pixish]: yay! our first official entry ^__^

2005-07-27 [iippo]: Charybdis is following me everywhere.

2005-07-27 [Charybdis]: What? O_o

2005-07-27 [ally]: Thanks all. Stop following [iippo], [Charybdis] that's my job :p *stalks the both of you* ^^

2005-07-27 [Kaimee]: :O So nice! Punk has remarkably neat hair in that pic XD

2005-07-27 [Mirime]: yeah, he does, I must've made him straighten it!

2005-07-27 [Mirime]: should I put the marriage posts up here? It may help

2005-07-27 [Kaimee]: Yes :P

2005-07-27 [Mirime]: oki

2005-07-28 [Charybdis]: *is still confused* omg it's stalker ally! :OO

2005-07-28 [Kileaiya]: *claps for Ally's entry*

2005-07-28 [ally]: OMG stalkee Charybdis!! Thankyou Kaimee and Kileaiya ^^. Punk went to the hairdresser because ... he had to! :p

2005-07-28 [Kaimee]: You're welcome miss :D

2005-07-28 [iippo]: ally go to the art corner also. :P

2005-07-28 [ally]: Wheeness i'm a miss! Hehe just came from there ^^ I'm already working on an entry

2005-07-28 [Kaimee]: the art corner has a different theme :P

2005-07-28 [ally]: Huh not the music of life anymore? O.o

2005-07-28 [Kaimee]: Nono, I was just saying that it has a different theme from here. :P

2005-07-29 [ally]: Hm what if I draw Punk singing an ode to Mirime. Would that fit in both of them? :p

2005-07-29 [eyes of frost]: Wow....

2005-07-29 [Kaimee]: with his guitar, of course? :P

2005-07-29 [ally]: Ofcourse ^_^

2005-07-29 [eyes of frost]: That is good...

2005-07-29 [ally]: Well not really because that's a bit too difficult to draw for me

2005-07-29 [eyes of frost]: Well it looks amazing...better then what I was going to do.

2005-07-29 [ally]: Thank you ^^ Why "was" and not "am"?

2005-07-29 [eyes of frost]: Well...seeing as that there are alot of great artists here, I will just...not do this one. My art isn't great so.

2005-07-29 [ally]: You must not let them discourage you. My philosophy: the more entires the better, you get a chance to show your art and it keeps you developing your skills. Above all contest are meant to be fun . ...and I'm getting kinda lonely up there :'(

2005-07-29 [eyes of frost]: Lol. Alright. I will do my pitiful entry. But I warn you: it is pitiful. It will take me a couple of days but it will be there.

2005-07-29 [ally]: Yay!!! ^_________________^ (big smile)

2005-07-29 [eyes of frost]: Lol. Give me four days. It should only take me that long. But I don't know. I am currently working on a drawing for a painting of a character in a novel of mine. Blah...

2005-07-29 [ally]: hum well we have patience ^^

2005-07-29 [iippo]: I agree with ally. i tend to enter all sorts of strange contest just for the sake of entering, not with the idea of winning. It's interesting what different stuff you get under one topic. how about the creature feature contest ally? Plan to enter there?

2005-07-29 [Erestor]: I've just entered there - nice work ally! You've got the ball rolling now and hopefully others will enter.

2005-07-29 [Mirime]: there's a picture of Punk playing the guitar somewhere, but he's looking down

2005-07-29 [ally]: I'm watching the creature feature contest but I haven't got an entry yet, still working on the what if... and some other things. Thank you Erestor, I hope so too

2005-07-29 [ally]: You mean this one? ?

2005-07-30 [Mirime]: yes, that one :) I wrote a character sketch to that pic once, hehe.

2005-07-30 [ally]: *wants to read now...* Hmm it's an odd position to be singing a ballade O.o

2005-07-30 [Mirime]: right, but it kind of helps with how a guitar is held

2005-07-30 [ally]: hmmm I'll try to work it out somehow ... :p

2005-08-02 [eyes of frost]: Ok there CAN be 2 entries. I have the idears in mind...but they are not coming out to well on my paper. Sorry the drawing (first one) should be here tomorrow. I have....alot...of family stuff going on so I am behind right now. Sorry ladies! It will be here I promise!

2005-08-02 [eyes of frost]: Ok....she does kind of look like an alien...sorry. Was worrying about other things. I promise the next one will be better. Alot better...Sorry for the bad entry everyone.

2005-08-02 [pixish]: :P Don't be silly [eyes of frost] ^__^ We like all entries :P I'll just thumbnail yours a bit

2005-08-02 [ally]: Wheeeness, it's cute,... I kinda like her face...

2005-08-02 [Mirime]: I look older than I am ;) thanks frost!

2005-08-02 [Mirime]: And how am I supposed to judge these (when it's time) without my husband? *cries*

2005-08-02 [pixish]: aww :-( You could send him an email with them in it ^__^ And I thougth he was only away for a couple of weeks :-( Which is nearly over!

2005-08-02 [Mirime]: Where did he go? :( *wants her Punk back soon*

2005-08-02 [pixish]: I thought he was only busy with the comic book convention thinger :-( for a couple weeks...and it has been about a couple weeks... xD

2005-08-02 [eyes of frost]: Thanks for the compliments ladies. It is very much appreciated. The dress will be a combined outcome of about...3 or 4 dresses...I almost just want to do a drawing of the bride in her dress...Oh well. THe tux will be in there too.

2005-08-03 [Mirime]: I thought that was only one day and then I saw him after that... hmm, I guess it was longer than I thought, then. I love dresses by the way, frost ^_^

2005-08-03 [eyes of frost]: Oh...I don't have the dress done...I can send you a picture of just the dress if you wish. But I am going to put you and the groom in the next picture, tux, dress and all...This should be mighty fun.

2005-08-04 [Mirime]: nice :)

2005-08-05 [All_Most PUNK]: Wow! Entries! *shinny eyes and a big smile* They are great. I've checked all the comments of the last 10 days or so (the ones I hadn't seen) and there's many silly things I missed the opportunity to say :P// Thanks a lot, people.// *hugs Mir, just because it's nice*

2005-08-08 [the Indigo]: I enter >>

2005-08-08 [pixish]: :-O That looks really good! ^___^ And yay! the first coloured entry :)

2005-08-08 [Janouk]: Oh, that's great! *wants such a dress as well ^^*

2005-08-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Cool, another entry! *can't stop smiling* We'll have a really great wedding album, Mir :D

2005-08-08 [the Indigo]: thankies pixie and janouk ^^

2005-08-08 [Mirime]: *grins at Punk* this was a good idea! I love the dress too ;)

2005-08-09 [eyes of frost]: -Looks at the new entry and sighs- That is going to be hard to beat....

2005-08-09 [the Indigo]: Well, technically the dress is yours ;P // Nuh-uh. You have a good idea going on there, [eyes of frost]

2005-08-09 [Mirime]: That's right, it is!

2005-08-18 [pixish]: 2 days to deadline!

2005-08-18 [Mirime]: I know! *wants more pictures* :(

2005-08-18 [liiga]: 2 days, yipes, so close! >_<

2005-08-19 [the Indigo]: wow...that went fast oO

2005-08-19 [pixish]: awww ^__^ lovely entry :)

2005-08-19 [eyes of frost]: Ahh! You are kidding me?!

2005-08-19 [Mirime]: maybe we could extend it....just a bit....?

2005-08-19 [eyes of frost]: Oh please do! I am not even half finished with the picture of the dress and the tux....

2005-08-19 [pixish]: I think we are planning on extending the deadline :-) Keep working on your entries, I do not know how long it will be extended for yet :P

2005-08-19 [Ciryatúre]: yay!

2005-08-20 [eyes of frost]: OH THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!

2005-08-20 [ally]: OMG Beautiful new entry!!

2005-08-20 [the Indigo]: New entries! :D

2005-08-20 [Mirime]: mmmmm, watercolour ;)

2005-08-21 [iippo]: So is the deadline extended then?

2005-08-21 [pixish]: Deadline extended to the 15th September! Use your time wisely little grasshoppers!

2005-08-21 [the Indigo]: kyah, you called me a grasshopper >>

2005-08-21 [iippo]: o.O Oh good, so it wasn't me. *phews*

2005-08-21 [pixish]: xD

2005-08-21 [iippo]: Once my dog chased a grasshopper, so the bug jumped on his back. My dog was very confused and gave up the chase - little smart bug jumped down from his back and jumped away to a perfectly healthy happy life before his cocky existence was ended by a curious sparrow. True story. *respects ze grasshopper* (No one humiliates my dog without consequence - except of course me.)

2005-08-21 [the Indigo]: That's so awesome XD I think I read a cartoon like that once oO Oohh...deja-vu

2005-08-22 [ally]: *respects ze sparrow*

2005-08-22 [eyes of frost]: OH YAY! I am so happy! I can finish it now! Thank you Pixie!

2005-08-26 [liiga]: Thanks SOOO much for the deadline extension! I thought I'd missed it for good 'cause of my HD going belly up a day before the previous deadline. Whew!

2005-08-27 [Levoton]: Aaargh! :P *goes back to her corner*

2005-08-28 [pixish]: wheee! You finished it! *^__^* It is lovely :D

2005-08-28 [Mirime]: I am colourful! Yay!

2005-08-28 [Levoton]: :D *giggles and bows*

2005-08-28 [eyes of frost]: ......Alrighty. Rachel is leaving the competition. Good luck everyone! -Takes a humble bow and vanishes-

2005-08-29 [Mirime]: aww, if you want to

2005-08-29 [pixish]: :(

2005-08-31 [eyes of frost]: I am sorry..just...alot of un-needed drama that needs to be taken care of. Sorry ladies and gentlemen!

2005-09-13 [Ocean Soul]: got so.. carried away.. pink and sparkles and stuff o_O

2005-09-13 [eyes of frost]: Nice entries everyone! Keep 'em coming! Lol.

2005-09-13 [pixish]: :O lovely lovely :D

2005-09-13 [Ciryatúre]: So pretty! Definitely a Mir smile.

2005-09-13 [Mirime]: Oooh! I loooove my Ebou Dari style dress ;)

2005-09-14 [eyes of frost]: Yea. -smiles- They are all great! Keep 'em coming!

2005-09-14 [Mirime]: yessssss, one more day!

2005-09-14 [eyes of frost]: Lol

2005-09-15 [Kaimee]: You all now have until midnight - ET Time! - to get the last submissions in or make any changes! Good luck :)

2005-09-16 [Mirime]: oooooh I don't think I will give blood again o.O

2005-09-16 [pixish]: O_O  oh noes, what happened?

2005-09-16 [iippo]: I thought it was a paleness comment or something...

2005-09-16 [Mirime]: Well. I did yesterday. (I love the painting iippo, is is perfect!) and while the needle didn't bother me I was lightheaded and dizzy and then I started seeing spots and heard a roaring in my ears..... long story short, I had to drink a lot of coca-cola. 

2005-09-16 [iippo]: *hasn't entered this contest* huh? But that's scary... Didn't they check you or anything that you can lose blood?

2005-09-16 [Mirime]: (I was reassuring you that I wasn't criticising anyone but also I got you confused with liiga, whoops, I am still out of it) they did; I was one point above the minimum iron level and I'm not underwieght according to their standards.

2005-09-17 [irulan]: The first time I donated, I had the same experience and passed out. The next time I still had pretty much a hot flash and they had to tip the chair back and put a cool rag on my forehead. I haven't donated since. :/

2005-09-17 [iippo]: I'd want to actually, but never really got around to it.

2005-09-17 [Mirime]: yeah, I got an icepack too, twice. It makes no sense that I woulc have gotten hot though O.o

2005-09-17 [iippo]: Maybe they wanted your head to be cold so the blood would flow someplace important and not your head. xP

2005-09-17 [irulan]: I don't know why that happens, but it is a miserable feeling. :(

2005-09-17 [Mirime]: heh, I second that.

2005-10-05 [iippo]: Is the deadline extended or what goes on in here?

2005-10-05 [Mirime]: It has been voted on ^_^ I'm not sure who's handling the results

2005-10-05 [eyes of frost]: I wonder who is winning. Lol

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